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©left 2000-2003, Thomas Harding

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<?php # #Copyright (c) 2007, Maurice Makaay, Thomas Harding # <mailto:> # #Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy #of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal #in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to #use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies #of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do #so, subject to the following conditions: # #The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all #copies or substantial portions of the Software. # #THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR #IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, #FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE #AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER #LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, #OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE #SOFTWARE. # # # # THIS file supply two functions: # # function encode_pgarray($array,$type = "STRING") # # encode a php array to a string suitable in postgresql INSERT/REPLACE query # for an "something[]" type field # # handled types are "INTEGER","FLOAT". # FIXME: there is no special case for other types # # # function decode_pgarray($pg_array) # returns array # # decode a postgresql array response and format it as php array # this function is (c)2005, Maurice Makaay & (c)2007, Thomas Harding # /** * * function encode_pgarray($array,$type = "STRING") * * serialize an array into postgresql suitable form. * array must be consistant: * * - you cannot mix arrays and values in slices * - you cannot mix arrays and values other slices * - you cannot have keys other than integers * * these limitations are the cope to comply with postgresql 7.4.x * (postgres silently discard or trunk inconsistant arrays, * so it is _not_ a good idea to supply this, isn't it?) * * usage: try { $pg_encoded_array = encode_pgarray($array,$type); } catch (pgarray_exception $e) { print($e); } */ /** * * * function decode_pgarray($pg_array,$fields = array(),&$i = 0) * * * decodes pg array fields * * usage: try { $result = decode_pgarray($pg_array); if (is_null($result)) echo "null\n"; elseif (is_string($result)) echo "string: ".$result."\n" elseif (is_array($result)) { echo "array"; var_dump($result) ; echo "\n" ;} else echo "decode_pgarray: an error may occured\n"; } catch (pgarray_exception $e) { print $e; } * * * returns NULL if array result is null, * * string if it is a string (as you selected only one * slice in query), * * array if it is actually an array. */ ################################### # # CODE ITSELF... # # /** * decodes pg array fields * * usage: * $result = decode_pgarray($pg_array); * if (is_null($result)) * echo "null\n"; * elseif (is_string($result)) * echo "string: ".$result."\n" * elseif (is_array($result)) * { echo "array"; var_dump($result) ; echo "\n" ;} * else * echo "decode_pgarray: an error may occured\n"; * * * returns NULL if array result is null, * * string if it is a string (as you selected only one * slice in query), * * array if it is actually an array. */ function decode_pgarray($pg_array,$fields = array(),&$i = 0) { // NULL returns NULL if (is_null($pg_array)) return NULL; // Character by character parser for the array format. $field_count = 0; $in_quotes = false; $in_fields = false; $is_string = false; $return_from_child = false; if ( strlen($pg_array) == 0 || $pg_array{0} != "{" || $pg_array{(strlen($pg_array) - 1)} != "}" # FIXME: comment next line if it is actually array || $pg_array == "{}" ) { $is_string = true; $fields = ""; } for ($i; $i < strlen($pg_array) ; $i++) { // Get the next character to parse. $tmp = substr($pg_array,$i,1); // Initialize the new field. if (!isset($fields[$field_count]) && $in_quotes == false && $tmp !="}" && !$is_string ) #FIXME: fields in postgresql can not be null, # chains can only be empty chains. # and so on # also all fields have same dimensions //if (substr($pg_array,$i + 1,2) != "\"\"") $fields[$field_count] = ""; // If it is null (=={""}), then unset it //else //{ // unset($fields[$field_count]) // $field_count --; //} // We enter in a new field zone if ( $tmp == "{" && !$in_fields && !$in_quotes && !$is_string) $in_fields = 1; // Delimiter and not in a quoted piece? // Then we have found a new field. elseif ($tmp === ',' && !$in_quotes) if(!$return_from_child) $field_count++; else $return_from_child = false; // End of field,returns result elseif ($in_fields && $tmp == '}' && !$in_quotes) return $fields; // Found a new array delimiter? // then parsing the nested array // and not forget to starting a new field elseif($tmp == '{' && !$in_quotes && !$is_string) { $value = decode_pgarray($pg_array,$fields[$field_count],$i); $return_from_child = 1; $fields[$field_count] = $value; $field_count ++; } // Did we start a new field and does that field start with // a double quote? Then we have to handle a quoted field. elseif ( $tmp == '"' && !$in_quotes && $is_string == false && strlen($fields[$field_count]) == 0) $in_quotes = true; // Double quote found? Then this is the end of the quoted field. elseif ($tmp == '"' && $in_quotes) $in_quotes = false; // Escaped character found? Add it without the escape // to the field (except if it is string: write backslash). elseif ($tmp == "\\") if ($is_string) $fields .= $tmp; else $fields[$field_count] .= substr($pg_array,++$i,1); // Simply add the character to the field. else if ($is_string) $fields .= $tmp; else $fields[$field_count] .= $tmp; } // $fields is string // then returns $fields if (is_string($fields)) return $fields; else throw new pgarray_exception('unattended error while scanning array',12); } /* * serialize an array into postgresql suitable form. * array must be consistant: * * - you cannot mix arrays and values in slices * - you cannot mix arrays and values other slices * - you cannot have keys other than integers * * these limitations are the cope to comply with postgresql 7.4.x * (postgres silently discard or trunk inconsistant arrays, * so it is _not_ a good idea to supply this, isn't it?) * */ function encode_pgarray($array,$type = "STRING") { // conrol content if (!is_array($array)) { throw new pgarray_exception( sprintf("value supplied is not an array\n"),1); return false; } array_dims($array,$result); while(array_key_exists('dims',$result)) { $max_keys[] = $result['max']; $result = $result['dims']; } fill_empty_pg_array_keys($array,$max_keys); $result = serialize_pg_array($array,$type); return sprintf("'%s'",$result); } #### #### #### FOLLOWING FUNCTIONS ARE 'private' #### #### do not let you be confused by that, huh? #### #### #### /** * calculus of array dimensions * returns array('max' => dimension,'dims' array('max' => dimension,'dims' ...) */ function array_dims(&$array,&$result,$max=0) { if (is_array($array)) $max = max(max(array_keys($array)),$max); $result['max'] = $max; if (is_array($array)) { $result['dims'] = array(); $max = 0; foreach($array as $slice) if(is_array($slice)) { $result['dims']['max'] = 0; // iterate other slices array_dims($slice,$result['dims'],$max); $max = max($result['dims']['max'],$max); } } } function fill_empty_pg_array_keys(&$array,$max_keys,$level=0) { $max_key = $max_keys[$level]; // fails if it is not array and we are not in last dimension if(!is_array($array)) throw new pgarray_exception( "cannot mix types 'arrays' and other types in an array slice" ,1); // first, verify keys consistence (must be integers) $keys = array_keys($array); foreach($keys as $key) if (!is_int($key)) throw new pgarray_exception( sprintf("key \"%s\" is not integer\n",$key),1); // do not run next parts if it is last dimension, // sets empty keys at "" if(!array_key_exists($level + 1,$max_keys)) { for($i = 0; $i <= $max_key ; $i++) if (!isset($array[$i])) $array[$i] = ""; return true; } if(!isset($array)) $array = array(""); // for keys < dimension for($i = 0; $i <= $max_key ; $i++) { //Then, fill empty keys if (!array_key_exists($i,$array)) $array[$i] = array(); // checks slice concistence $slice = $array[$i]; $slicetype = is_array($slice) ? true : false; if (!$slicetype) throw new pgarray_exception( sprintf("cannot mix types 'arrays' and other types in an array slice\n",$key),1); // shift of max_keys done only once per dimension $shift = ($i == 0) ? true : false; fill_empty_pg_array_keys($array[$i],$max_keys,$level + 1); } } /** * * Transform the cleaned array in string * usable by postgres as array field * */ function serialize_pg_array($array,$type) { $search=array('"',"\\","'"); $replace=array('\\"','\\\\\\\\',"''"); // explore the array for($i = 0; $i <= max(array_keys($array)) ; $i++) { $content = $array[$i]; // initialize $result; if (!isset($result)) $result = ""; // append field separator else $result .= ","; if (!is_array($content)) // fill fields with values, fill holes switch($type) { case "INTEGER": if ($content == "") { trigger_error("encode_pgarray: not set integer value will be fill with 0",E_USER_NOTICE); $result .= '0'; } else if (!is_int($content)) throw new pgarray_exception( sprintf("%s: value supplied is not an integer\n", $content),1); else $result .= $content; continue; case "FLOAT": if ($content == "") { trigger_error("encode_pgarray: not set float value will be fill with 0",E_USER_NOTICE); $result .= '0'; } else if (!is_float($content)) throw new pgarray_exception( sprintf("%s: value supplied is not a float\n", $content),1); else $result .= $content; continue; default: $result .= sprintf('"%s"',str_replace($search,$replace,$content)); continue; } else // run other slice $result .= sprintf("%s",serialize_pg_array($content,$type)); } // return result return sprintf('{%s}',$result); } /** * * exception handle for encode_pgarray() * * display a message with nice colors * * FIXME: you can make anithing more serious :) * */ class pgarray_exception extends Exception { public function __construct($message, $code = 0) { switch($code) { case 1: $color='red'; $level='Warning'; $function='encode_pgarray'; break; case 2: $color='green'; $level='Notice'; $function='encode_pgarray'; break; case 3: $color='blue'; $level='Warning'; $function='encode_pgarray'; break; case 11: $color='red'; $level='Warning'; $function='decode_pgarray'; break; case 12: $color='green'; $level='Notice'; $function='decode_pgarray'; break; case 13: $color='blue'; $level='Warning'; $function='decode_pgarray'; break; default: $level ='Warning'; $color='red'; $function='encode_pgarray / decode_pgarray'; break; } $this->message = sprintf("<div style='color: %s'>%s: function %s: %s</div>",$color,$level,$function,$message); parent::__construct($this->message, $code); } public function __toString() { return "{$this->message}\n"; } } ?>
©left 2000-2005, Thomas Harding
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